For when you’re sad but also feel angst and pent up emotions that come out in tearz <3 <3 <3
Poetry with Dinora: “Find a Way”

they will break your heart too many times
and call you heartless
they want you to lose
but don’t let them
i know you are greater than that
you are not a catastrophe,
or a mistake
you are human
and all you want is to spread love to places
they tell you not to.
keep doing you
keep being brave
keep loving
and loving
and don’t give up.
INTERVIEW: Isabel Quintero, author of “Gabi, a Girl in Pieces”

It’s a busy day at Augie’s coffee in Redlands. Amidst the crowd of people trying to get their morning coffee, a woman in pink hair stands out. This is Isabel Quintero, author of “Gabi, A Girl in Pieces.” Previously on The Strange is Beautiful, I wrote a book review on her novel and consider Gabi’s body image issues, living in a traditional Latino household and surviving high school as an authentic experience of what many teenagers face on a daily basis. We sat down to talk about her book, writing, mind obstacles and anything and everything in between.
Sadcore Sundays: “Rid of Me” by PJ Harvey
Lyrics to “Rid of Me”
Tie yourself to me No one else, no You’re not rid of me You’re not rid of me Night and day I breathe Hah hah ay hey You’re not rid of me Yeah you’re not rid of me Yeah you’re not rid of me Yeah you’re not rid of me I beg you my darling Don’t leave me I’m hurting Lick my legs I’m on fire Lick my legs of desire I’ll tie your legs Keep you against my chest Oh you’re not rid of me Yeah you’re not rid of me I’ll make you lick my injuries I’m gonna twist your head off, see ‘Til you say don’t you wish you never never met her Don’t you don’t you wish you never never met her Don’t you don’t you wish you never never met her Don’t you don’t you wish you never never met her I beg you my darling Don’t leave me I’m hurting I’ve been lonely Above everything Above every day I’m hurting…Sadcore Sundays: “Nightcrawler” by Aye Nako

I couldn’t find their lyrics but I love this song so so much by Brooklyn queer, trans and punk band, Aye Nako. I like this quote NPR got from them in an interview: