I was one of about 20 goth extras in self-proclaimed alien Soko’s new 80’s-cheesed music video today for a song she collaborated on with Ariel Pink called “Lovetrap.” She asked us to dress in all black and look “goth” so I wore my vintage black lace dress from Ragg Mopp and black combat boots from Urban Outfitters.
I wrote her a letter, gave her The Strange is Beautiful zines on anxiety and depression, Winona Ryder, “Posi Vibes” and kitty pins, my own sad girl music and a satchel filled with lavender because I know she has anxiety too <3
Soko’s new music video will be released soon on Pitchfork!! Prepare to enter a smokey world of oh my goth’s xoxox. Below are pics from the music video shoot !!
The boss lady directing with her adorable French accent xoxox
She was so kind!! When I first arrived, I realized I had parked in a spot that I would get a ticket for…so I was going to ask one of the guys working the shoot if I could move my car but Soko said hi to me right away and gave me a hug xoxox. When I mentioned I had to move my car she even offered to pay the fee if I needed to park in a lot – I mean I found a spot that was free, but the fact that she offered was beautiful.
I’ve seen her past works as an actress, so I assumed she’d be a pretty strong director of her own music video – and she was. The shoot went fast because she knew exactly what shots she wanted, was quick to find solutions to problems on set, had no shame in asking one of us goth extras to hold stuff or to rough her up in certain scenes and yelled out clear, direct orders fast.
Everyone was offered donuts and coffee (lulz to be allergic to gluten, dairy, sugar cane, and coffee…) and bananas (thank god!!!!).
Lastly, I love the phrase she coined in correlation with the theme of her shoot: “oh my GOTH!”
Listen to Soko and embrace your inner alien and your inner goth.
-Shannen Roberts
Behind the Scenes of Soko’s “Love Trap” | Shannen Roberts
[…] See the gift I gave Soko to help with her anxiety after the music video shoot here: https://dev.thestrangeisbeautiful.com/wordpress/gave-soko-gift/ […]