Me & My Story: Jade Graham Beat Anorexia xoxox

A residential home for eating disorders didn’t work, but returning home to the support of her loved ones did xoxox.

October of 2013

I was diagnosed with an eating disorder. I began dropping weight significantly.
By January 2014, I stopped eating almost completely and was diagnosed with anorexia. I could not function. My grades were getting low, and I could barely walk. My hair was thinning and I was frequently in the hospital with feeding tubes.

My life was in danger.

June of 2014

I went to a residential home for teens with eating disorders.
It didn’t work for me, as I got homesick after a month or so. I went back home and continued to struggle with my eating.

Slowly, with the support of many amazing people, I was able to overcome this long battle with anorexia.

As of about a month ago…

The doctor told me I was officially at a normal weight for my height and my blood and thyroid levels were normal now.


I still have days where I struggle, but I must say, I am must happier and healthier than I was before. And I could not have done it alone. (Pic was taken after the good news :) )

– Jade Graham

Open Letter to Jade:

We’re so proud of you Jade !! Everyday is a practice to maintain peace <333 If you ever need any self-help tips or encouragement you know where to find us xoxox

Sending you ++posi vibes++
Shannen Roberts
Founding Editor-in-Chief
The Strange is Beautiful

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