Julien Blanc is a self-proclaimed pick-up artist (PUA) who gives seminars that promote violence against women. Julien Blanc is a sexist and racist and needs to be stopped.
I know this article isn’t about a “mental obstacle,” but men like this create false images of how a woman is supposed to look and promote abusive relationships and
it’s NOT OKAY.
The Strange is Beautiful is a site is to help with body image issues such as eating disorders, and to learn to be healthy and happy in every aspect of your life – including relationships. That is why I HAVE to tell you about Julien Blanc.
Julien Blanc and his company Real Social Dynamics, (RSD), has been hosting sleazy seminars around the world, to teach men tactics on how to physically and verbally assault women. Their site literally is disturbing, but it’s even more disturbing that Blanc has a growing male audience.
In Toyko, he took a video grabbing women’s head’s and pushing them to his crotch. He also started the hashtag #ChokingWomenAroundTheWorld where he’s posted photos of himself grabbing women’s throats in the streets as a part of his how to pick-up women tactics.
Australia and the UK have both denied his visa, and a petition has been signed by more than 52,000 people causing hotels to cancel his events. The petition was created by Jennifer Li who started the #takedownjulienblanc on twitter to bring awareness of the f-ed up messages Blanc’s company is spreading, and to stop his seminars. You read about where Blanc and his company has been touring and sign the petition here.
There’s tons of men out there who believe this behavior is perfectly okay, but the reason why Julien Blanc and his company, RSD, have been red flagged is because, “Blanc crossed the line from sexist and offensive to violent and dangerous when videos and photos surfaced of him describing and demonstrating grabbing women and forcing their heads into his crotch,” according to Time magazine.
Blanc recently posted this photo from the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project on Twitter with the caption, “May as well be a checklist… #HowToMakeHerStay.”
This type of “dating education” needs to be stopped. Protect our women, protect our bodies, protect our rights against B.S. misogynist, racists like Julien Blanc. #takedownjulienblanc
Other Links:
Facebook Page – Take Down Julien Blanc
Twitter Destroys Julien Blanc and History of Other Controversial Figures Denied Visas
Bust Mag (feminist magazine) – Julien Blanc
BBC – International Mens Day and Julien Blanc
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