Hi ! This blog is for your benefit, so if there’s a specific topic you want us to cover, let us know! (Like, how to train your dragon, love potion recipes, etc…)
Seriously though, this blog is for learning everything about our own mental obstacles, taking action towards self-improvement, and to create openness so we won’t, “whisper about mental health issues,” or “avoid asking too many questions.”
“The brain is a body part too; we just know less about it. And there should be no shame in discussing or seeking help for treatable [obstacles] that affect too many people that we love.” – President Obama in his speech at the National Conference of Mental Health.
The goal of TSIB is to change the way mental health is viewed, and to help you create a plan towards a successful and breathable life. We hope this blog will give you the necessary tools to find a healthy routine or method that helps you cope, heal, and grow stronger day by day.
Some of the topics we’ll be covering in the first 5 months are:
- Are pills as bad as us all-nat-u-raaal whole foods obsessed millennial kids have come to fear? (p.s. I love whole foods xoxox).
- Inside look of an eating disorder clinic.
- How everything you put into your body can affect your mood (yes, this means food)
- Controversial news events such as the recent passing of inspirational Robin Williams.
- Ways to calm your mind.
I’m still learning how to cope on my worst days. For the new year, I’ll be posting a log and analysis of how our mental health shifted and changed over the next 5 months. I hope my journey will encourage you to keep practicing everyday to find peace within your own mind, and balance in your life.
Sending you posi vibes,
Here’s an awesome article I read recently in Times magazine on how genes of mental health are grouped together and passed down genetically.
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