For times when you can’t sleep, and the melatonin just isn’t working, Kate Nash feels your feels.
Another day goes by
And I don’t wash my hair
Another night is spent
Wishing you were here
My skin it looks so pale
What’s that over there?
Nothing can be done
To ease my mind
I want to see the sun
Another day goes by
And I don’t wash my hair
Another night is spent
Wishing you were here
My skin it looks so pale
What’s that over there?
Too much stuff that I keep
I don’t know what for
I don’t have the guts
My clothes are all over the floor
Another day goes by
And I don’t wash my hair
Another night is spent
Wishing you were here
My skin it looks so pale
What’s that over there?
Sentimental value
The unopened mail
Lipstick, powder puff
I’m afraid that I might fail
And I think I’m falling down again
So I think about all of my good friends
And I wish them the best
I take comfort in
Knowing I have them
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