My boyfriend played me The Raconteurs’ new song “Somedays (I Don’t Feel Like Trying)” in the car and he said it reminded him of me lol. ACCURATE. I feel like this so much, too much throughout my life. It’s so easily relatable. My favorite lines are:
“But somedays I just feel like crying
And somedays I don’t feel like trying”
“I’m here right now
I’m not dead yet.”
Those last two lines really get me. It reminds me of pushing through all the bullshit life throws at me, pushing through the pain that my own body gives me, and pushing through any challenges and obstacles to remember that hell, I’m fucking alive. I’m ALIVE. I’m still here, I exist, and that’s something to celebrate. Yeah it’s hard for me to get out of bed sometimes, yeah I sometimes cry and give up on everything, but I’m not dead yet, so that means I can’t give up. I have to keep trying. Thank you The Raconteurs for accurately singing my feels. I hope they comfort you tonight and give you the strength to just be, to just live in this present moment, no matter how shitty it is right now, because you’re not dead yet, and you shouldn’t die yet because the universe still needs you and loves you.
Lyrics to “Somedays (I Don’t Feel Like Trying)”
I’ve got so much to give
I got a lot a heart
Yeah only trouble is it’s doomed from the start
And I’ve been riding this thing out since I was 8 yrs old
And if you could just see inside of me you’d see a heart made of gold
And I try to live a good life and keep an open mind
Gave up everything I love and kept it all inside
But somedays I just feel like crying
And somedays I don’t feel like trying
But somedays I just feel like crying
And somedays I don’t feel like trying
But somedays I just feel like crying
And somedays I don’t feel like trying
But somedays I just feel like crying
And somedays I don’t feel like trying
I’m here right now
I’m not dead yet
I’m here right now
I’m not dead yet
I’m here right now
I’m not dead yet
Photo taken from here.

Shannen Roberts (she/her) is the Peruvian-American, founding editor-in-chief of The Strange is Beautiful, musician and yogi.
Learn more about her here.
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