Hi The Strange is Beautiful readers! We’re having a Self-Care Workshop for mind obstacles – such as anxiety and depression – on July 29, 2018 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Union Swapmeet led by our founding editor-in-chief, Shannen Roberts, and presented by L.A. Sewcial Club.
Learn self-care tools such as yoga poses, meditations, self-massage, affirmations, what to do during a panic attack and more based on pages from “The Strange is Beautiful Alternative Self-Help Guide.”
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About Shannen:
Shannen Roberts is the founding editor of alternative self-help blog The Strange is Beautiful and a Trauma Informed 500 hour yoga instructor certified through YogaWorks. She struggled with panic attacks and depression since high school and today she copes with anxiety.
Outcome of the Workshop:
Participants will leave with a variety of relaxing, healing and comforting tools to care for their mind and body holistically and the knowledge to develop their own self-care home practice.
Length of Workshop:
2 hours
Supplies needed and provided:
Please bring a yoga mat with good grip if you have one. Yoga mats are not mandatory to participate.
Shannen Roberts Yoga: shannenroberts.com/yoga
The Strange is Beautiful: thestrangeisbeautiful.com
The Strange is Beautiful Alternative Self-Help Guide: thestrangeisbeautiful.com/Store
Instagram: @thestrangeisbeautiful
Facebook: The Strange is Beautiful
Twitter: @tsib_official
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