Our Zines

“The Strange is Beautiful Alternative Self-Help Guide”

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[button href=”https://dev.thestrangeisbeautiful.com/wordpress/category/tsib-guide/” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo” block=”true”  icon_only=”true” info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only show up if you have decided to show a popover.”] Blog post versions of some of the guide here.[/button]


  • Print
  • Color
  • Perfect bound
  • 8.5″ x 11″
  • 44 pages with an envelope inside that contains five letters of relationship advice
  • **Comes with 4 yoga classes for anxiety, depression and panic attacks, as well as a “Posi Vibes” button, and a temporary tattoo that says “The Strange is Beautiful.”*PDF version will be available soon. Email strangeisbeauty@gmail.com for details.


The Strange is Beautiful: 
Alternative Self-Help Guide
Created by Shannen Roberts
Published February 2016.

This guide will help you find holistic ways to treat not just your stress, or mind obstacles, but your self as a whole. From self-help such as yoga for anxiety and depression, self massage and things-to-do-when-you-want-to-freak-out-and-die, to interviews of musician Soko, LGBTQ therapist and an energy healer, you’ll gain the tools to develop your own self-care and self-love routine!

“It’s not as simple as just leaving.”

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“It’s not as simple as just leaving”

Domestic and Sexual Abuse Awareness Zine
Presented by The Strange is Beautiful and Cusi Coyllur
Published on October 2, 2017.

[button href=”http://cusicoyllurmusic.com/zine” title=”Title” target=”blank” shape=”square, rounded, pill” size=”mini, small, regular, large, x-large, jumbo” block=”true” icon_only=”true” info=”popover, tooltip” info_place=”top, right, bottom, left” info_trigger=”hover, click, focus” info_content=”This content will only show up if you have decided to show a popover.”] Free download here.[/button]

There are many reasons why mind obstacles such as anxiety and depression can develop, and one of those can be due to experiencing domestic violence and or sexual abuse. “It’s not as simple as just leaving” is a series of interviews of POC survivors who provide advice, resources, and alternative healing methods – such as affirmations, poetry, and music – to help others struggling. The title is dedicated to all people who have been told “why don’t you just leave?” – as if it’s that easy. We hope you find comfort and hope in this zine, and learn about different types of domestic violence and sexual abuse.


  • PDF
  • 80 pages
  • Black and white
  • *Collaborative effort with Cusi Coyllur, who’s domestic abuse awareness music video “amivulnerable?” has the link to download this zine on her site, and in the music video.

Sending you positive vibes,
Founding Editor-in-Chief
The Strange is Beautiful

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