First, Self-Care.
While keeping up with the news, protesting and taking action against Trump, it’s important to take care of yourself <3 Activists can often get burnt out and hold on to the energy that is not theirs that accumulates in their body, builds up and shows as depression, anxiety and other mind obstacles. Below is a quote to meditate on as you practice self-care.
“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” – Audre Lorde in A Burst of Light, 1988
Self-care can be staying in and watching a movie, taking a small walk, napping…whatever revitalizes you and gives you strength, do that <3
There are different ways to protest.
Many of you – like myself – I’m sure have social anxiety or paranoia’s that do not allow you to go out into huge crowds or have family that would be having panic attacks if you were out protesting. Showing up at a protest is not the only way to protest. Below are resources that can help you protest from your home <3
Resources to Fight Trump
Below are a few resources I’ve found to fight Trump but will post more as I find them xoxox:
1. Women’s March 10 Actions in 100 Days
Women’s March has implemented 10 actions in 100 days because Trump has set aside tasks he will do in 100 days. The first action is to write a postcard to your senator. Their site made it super easy to download the postcard design, print it and even lets you type in your zip code to find your senator’s address! You can print it out on regular card stock paper and if you need help with it feel free to ask us for help at We’re hoping to design a few of our own soon <3
2. The Indivisible Guide
It’s an in depth guide where “Former congressional staffers reveal best practices for making Congress listen.” Last night they offered a super rad live stream event where anyone could call and ask them, the ACLU, the International Refugee Assist Project and the Asian Law Caucus questions, some of which they tweeted. They also offer the following resources:
A. Your Senator Opposes the Muslim Ban – So Tell Them How to Stop it
A script to call your senator!! Just because they’re a Democrat doesn’t mean they will do the work! Call them and pressure them.
B. Locate and join groups taking action
They created a database where you can type in your zip code and find organizations near to you that you can join and help!
3. Social Media
Follow these organizations on social media (especially on Twitter) to stay in the loop!!
If you have any resources that aren’t listed here PLEASE SEND THEM ASAP XOXOXOX to or DM @thestrangeisbeautiful on Instagram. Together we are powerful <3
Sending you ++posi vibes++
Founding Editor-in-Chief
The Strange is Beautiful
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