Write a Love Letter to Yourself – with Chulita Vinyl Club + Enrique J.H.

Our February theme is self-love and body positivity, so we decided to write love letters to ourselves and hope you will too!

Writing a love letter to yourself can be empowering and therapeutic. Scroll to the bottom to copy + paste the template to make your own. Send in photos or videos of yours and we will post them on our blog xoxox.

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Enrique Jesus Hernandez, musician and domestic abuse activist.

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Linda Nuves, DJ of Chulita Vinyl Club.

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Shannen Roberts, Cusi Coyllur and founding editor of The Strange is Beautiful.

Write a Love Letter to Yourself !


Dear…. (YOUR NAME),

I’m going to be honest…I’ve been wanting to express my love for you in person but…I couldn’t get myself to do it. So I wrote you this love letter instead.

I admire that you are…. (PICK 5 FROM THIS LIST: silly, strong, intelligent, courageous, loud, confident, hilarious, beautiful, worthy, resilient, powerful, let yourself be sad, learning to put yourself first).

I think your…. (PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTE OF YOURS) is/are cute and sexy.

Don’t be afraid to…. (SOMETHING YOU FEAR).

I am proud that in 2017, and so far in 2018, you…. (3 THINGS YOU ARE PROUD ABOUT YOURSELF).

Even though you don’t always like your…. (SOMETHING YOU DOUBT), I love it/them.

Remember to treat yourself to…. (YOUR IDEAL SELF-LOVE DATE) once every…. (DAY, WEEK OR MONTH) because you deserve it!

I love you. You are so important, significant and valuable in my life.


Sending you positive vibes,
Founding Editor-in-Chief
The Strange is Beautiful

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Shannen is a Peruvian-American writer, musician and yogi.
Learn more about her here. 

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