Interview of Eating Disorder Clinic’s Yoga Instructor: Ashley Rideaux

Artwork by Heidi van den Berg

Ashley Rideaux teaches at a residential eating disorder treatment center for girls and women called Monte Nido Vista in Agoura Hills, California. She talks about how different her Monte Nido Vista yoga class is from a regular class, and how it helps the patients’ healing process. Besides yoga, Rideaux describes what a typical day at the center would be like, surprisingly reveals her own past struggles with body image, and offers advice for everyone on how to love their life. <333  

 ashley image 1

ashley image 2Shannen: Tell me about your yoga class at Monte Nido Vista.

Hawaiian Magic Calms Mind

Multiple parts of the body are worked on simultaneously which makes it difficult for the mind to focus on anything, therefore putting you into a state of calm mental bliss.

Energy Healing 101 Re-wire your brain

Bodies are wired for pleasure and they know how to be happy. I have a personal practice where I start each day checking in with my body. 'How does she feel? What does she need? What does she want to wear for the day?'

Yoga for Anxiety + Depression #10: Savasana and Legs Up the Wall

Your pose for today is: Savasana! Savasana (or corpse pose) can be practiced many different ways. Practicing Savasana will help you keep calm throughout the day, be able to positively respond to stress, and teach your body to relax in preparation for a deep sleep. This article will not only teach you how to practice Savasana for the times when you cannot lie still, but the different variations of Savasana and how to add elements such music, breath, and visualization!!

Yoga for Anxiety + Depression #8: Stomach Churning Pose (Twist)

Your pose for today is Twist!

Twists encourage the digestive system to work properly – which often helps the stomach to properly function, especially, when you feel like knives are piercing your tummy during a panic attack or through an unwavering depression – adds moisture to your spine, helps your posture, and elminates toxins in the spine.