The abusive immigration detention centers have everyone feeling powerless, anxious and angry. Here are four things you can do to help #KeepFamiliesTogether.
I remember back in 2014 when I started The Strange is Beautiful, I felt like there wasn’t much mental health news that other publications were covering. Recently, I’ve noticed a spike in coverage of this beat, from the suicide of Anthony Bourdain, to Logic’s suicide awareness song, to the American Psychology Association’s letter to Trump.
Nalgona Positivity Pride (NPP) is a xicana, brown, indigenous body-positive project run by Gloria Lucas. Their Instagram – now at 64,000 plus followers – is known for having a vocal community, but their recent post, in response to Anthony Bourdain’s suicide, has overwhelmingly surpassed the number of comments NPP usually receives. One-hundred and seventy-one commenters (so far) detailed the types of healing they would like, versus the limited options presently available in our mental health system of suicide hotlines and hospitalization.
Hi The Strange is Beautiful readers! We’re having a Self-Care Workshop for mind obstacles – such as anxiety and depression – on July 29, 2018 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Union Swapmeet led by our founding editor-in-chief, Shannen Roberts, and presented by L.A. Sewcial Club.