Your pose for today is Bridge Pose !
Bridge Pose, or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, is considered a back bend, or a “heart opener.” Heart openers offer space for the breath in the ribs, chest, throat, and neck, and this added space calms anxieties. Because backbends are opening up the heart cavity, sometimes there will be an emotional release (AKA tears). Tears in this pose are normal and are a healthy part of self healing <333
Bridge pose is also a mild “inversion” meaning there is a switch of our blood flow, creating cooling and calming feels and stimulating the Parasympathetic Nervous System. When we are anxious or depressed, breathing is hard and usually ends up being shallow and fast paced. Though the natural stress response of the body is a flood of adrenaline and dilated lungs (AKA fast breathing), the body NEEDS more breath to properly function (think logically) and stay calm.
How to get into the pose
1. Start lying on your back with your knees bent.
Feet are hip distance apart (your frontal hipbones, not your Shakira outer hips xox.)
Arms are down by your sides, palms down.
2. Scootch your heels in towards your bum, until your heels can almost touch your fingertips. Draw your belly button and front ribs in towards the floor (so your back is flat.)
3. Press into your feet and palms, and lift your hips up. ***Keep your bum relaxed. Activate your inner thighs so your knees don’t splay to the sides***
4. Roll your shoulders underneath yourself. (Let your body weight go to the left side, and roll your right (R) shoulder underneath yourself, then your left (L). ***Instead of letting your chin come to your chest, keep your neck long and your head in line with the rest of your spine.***
Scientific chart about the shoulders…
You can stay there, or…
super cool awesome variation !!
Interlace your hands behind your back – again, roll those shoulders underneath yourself -straighten your arms and press your wrists into the floor.
How Long to Hold
Hold for 3-5 breaths. When you’re finished, release your shoulders from underneath yourself, and roll down one vertebra at a time. Pause on your back for a few seconds, then hug your knees in towards your chest, roll to your R side, and press up to a seated position.
My Relationship with Bridge Pose xox
I think of Bridge Pose how people view “super foods.” Bridge Pose is a “super pose.” It heals, calms, releases emotions, and brings fresh energy into my body so I can complete my daily activities. Basically, I<3BRIDGEPOSE. I just started practicing it on a regular basis as a part of my panic and anxiety healing routine, and it’s been helping SOOO much. I love to hold the pose. The pressure on my shoulders feels amazing and the added breath makes me feel powerful. As Tina from Bob’s Burgers would say “I’m a smart, strong, sensual woman.” hehehehe
Let me know if this pose helps, doesn’t help, if it hurts a body part, and any other questions to
Sending ++posi vibes++
Shay of TSIB
A Pose A Day #7 - Yoga for Anxiety + Depression - The Strange is Beautiful
[…] Other Sources: What is the Stress Response? How to practice a Half Sun Salutation (Movement) How to practice a full Sun Salutation A (Movement) How to practice Bridge Pose (Space) […]