Your pose for today is: Forward Fold!
Today, I will be talking about Forward Folds, more specifically Uttanasana. Uttanasana can be practiced dynamically in half or full Sun Salutations to calm nerves, or can be held for full relaxation. Whether you have anxiety, panic attacks, or depression determines if you should hold Forward Fold, or practice them actively with Sun Salutations. When you are in this pose, your state of mind matters because a Forward Fold is literally you folding into your self, which can lead to confrontation of certain issues. If you are going through major issues, but just not quite ready to face them, I suggested you wait on this pose. However, if you are panicky, Forward Folds are very soothing and calming.
**Also helps with lower back pain and creates lovely space and length in the spine that is ever so needed after walking a bunch or sitting in a desk/car all day :)
How to Practice Forward Folds
If you have anxiety
Hold a Forward Fold for 3-5 breaths. You can let the arms hang, grab onto opposite elbows and rock side to side, or grab on to your big toes and pull down. When you’re done, bend the knees, draw the belly button in, and roll up one vertebrae at a time. Let your forehead rest on a wall for a bit to avoid dizziness, and to get that pressure point in-between the eyebrows for extra relaxation <333
If you feel panicky/about to have a panic attack
Practice full Sun Salutation A 3-5 times, then hold the last Forward Fold for 3-5 breaths. Draw your belly button in, bend the knees, and roll up one vertebrae at a time. Let your forehead rest on a wall for a bit to avoid dizziness, and to get that pressure point in-between the eyebrows for extra relaxation <333
If you are depressed
Do NOT hold a Forward Fold! Practice full Sun Salutation A 3-5 times.If you are fatigued and depressed, slowly increase the pace of the Sun Salutations and focus on deepening your INHALATIONS. If you are angry and depressed, slooooooowwww dooooown the pace of the Sun Salutations and focus on deepening your EXHALATIONS.
How to do Sun Salutation A
(Dynamic Forward Folding)
Best bet is to watch the video. But you can also study this lovely chart xox
Variations of a Held Forward Fold
Feet are hip distance apart.
Prasarita Padottanasana
Legs are wide, feet are pointing forward.
**For both variations, keep lifting the Trapezius muscles up and away from the head.
You can also put a book or a chair under your head for extra extra relaxation xoxox
My Relationship with Forward Folds
I literally follow the formula on how to practice Forward Folding based on my mood. That formula has saved me so many times, it’s ridiculous. With consistent practice, it works. It’s kind of freaky how yoga is almost a science.
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