For the month of October, The Strange is Beautiful (TSIB) and Cusi Coyllur presents domestic and sexual abuse awareness Instagram Live hangouts and releases!
“Jiggly bits and pieces. Too many rolls. My legs are thin, but I wish my thighs didn’t touch. Ugh. I need to do something about this weight.” These are the intrusive thoughts constantly surrounding Gabi, the protagonist of Gabi, a Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero.Unable to see herself as worth loving because of the way her body is, Gabi’s story is common for many teenagers and adults.
In 2016 I held our first ever online Self-Care Gift Exchange for anxiety and depression. With 158 participants, thanks to @n0pales and @nalgonapositivitypride for sharing my post, it was a success! It was a blessing to be able to read all of our stories and current struggles with mind obstacles, and a joy to partner you all with someone who best matched what you both needed.