We’re starting something new! Every month we will assign a self-care theme for you to explore and dive deeper into your true self.
For you to learn methods of self-care.
Yesika Salgado, also known as Yesika Starr, has the honor of being one of the few poets that can actually fuck me up with words. With the recent release of “Corazón,” her first book, I wanted to look back on other works from Salgado. “Sentimental Boss Bitch,” a chapbook, was self-published this year. It’s eighteen pages long. In those eighteen pages there’s love, joy, longing, pain, heartbreak and of course, learning how to be a sentimental boss bitch.
With all the current events going on, the world feeling like a cesspool a negativity, sometimes the healthy thing to do is to step back. Self-care is making sure that your needs come first in the world. There are many ways to perform self-care and it’s become a topic of many podcast episodes. These are my ones – all from people of color – that discuss self care as a concept and ways that it can be implemented in your life.
It’s a busy day at Augie’s coffee in Redlands. Amidst the crowd of people trying to get their morning coffee, a woman in pink hair stands out. This is Isabel Quintero, author of “Gabi, A Girl in Pieces.” Previously on The Strange is Beautiful, I wrote a book review on her novel and consider Gabi’s body image issues, living in a traditional Latino household and surviving high school as an authentic experience of what many teenagers face on a daily basis. We sat down to talk about her book, writing, mind obstacles and anything and everything in between.