Reflection. It is the edge of a pool that I don’t want to dive into. I don’t know what’s under the surface. It may take minutes, hours, months, even years. Eventually I dive into myself. Reflection can be a scary yet necessary part of self-care. Understanding your trauma is essential to recovery.
Kelly Duarte
A Light in the Sea of Trees: Review of “Suicide Forest in Japan” Documentary

Topic Warning: Suicide and Depression
At the base of Mt. Fuji, there’s a well known Japanese forest known as Aokigahara or Jukai, which means “sea of trees.” The most popular name for it is the “suicide forest.” This is not a tourist destination, it is a mass grave. In what seems to be such a bleak place, there is a suicide patrol. One of the members is the focus of the documentary “Suicide Forest In Japan.”
Yesika Salgado’s Sentimental Boss Bitch: Chapbook Review

Yesika Salgado, also known as Yesika Starr, has the honor of being one of the few poets that can actually fuck me up with words. With the recent release of “Corazón,” her first book, I wanted to look back on other works from Salgado. “Sentimental Boss Bitch,” a chapbook, was self-published this year. It’s eighteen pages long. In those eighteen pages there’s love, joy, longing, pain, heartbreak and of course, learning how to be a sentimental boss bitch.
Botanica in the Body: A night of reclaiming the body, the soul and the mind.

A bright orange typewriter made out of cardboard sits in the middle of the room. Flowers spring from its keys. On the top of the typewriter, is an offering. Pan dulce and the novel Like Water For Chocolate. Surrounding the typewriter, placed on the stark white walls, are portraits of brown faces and bodies. They seem to stare from every corner, enticing you to read a snippet of their lives.
5 POC Podcasts: Self-Care Through Sound

With all the current events going on, the world feeling like a cesspool a negativity, sometimes the healthy thing to do is to step back. Self-care is making sure that your needs come first in the world. There are many ways to perform self-care and it’s become a topic of many podcast episodes. These are my ones – all from people of color – that discuss self care as a concept and ways that it can be implemented in your life.