Dear Both Bae’s with Mental Obstacles,
Everyone is different, so everyone’s mental obstacles need different loving.
Well, the tables have turned and I’m dating someone who has mental obstacles as well. He gets it and he’s definitely not letting me go and dropping me off in crazy town any time soon, so, I’m stuck here figuring out how the hell this is gonna work with our two different types of depression – hence this post.
If your Bae is depressed and more masculine, they’ll tend to have these habits:
AKA They might avoid you when they are lonely or angry, and use your love to fill the void of depression.
If your Bae is depressed and more feminine, they’ll tend to have these habits:
AKA They’ll call you whenever they are lonely and crying, and use your love to fill the void of depression.
Meet the Needs of Your Bae, and Have Your Bae Meet Yours <3
Once you recognize your Bae’s habits when they are in a funk, TALK to them about it. If they need their space, give them their space, but if they want alone time to be self-destructive, suggest a healthy option for them to practice. Ask them to start their own action-therapy and either call you to practice opening up when they are sad, to write down their thoughts, or to do their favorite healthy hobby or something productive. [highlight type=”standard, dark”](Read “Dear Masculine Bae with a Mental Obstacle” for more info in the link below).[/highlight]
If your Bae tends to call or write lengthy texts to you a lot, talk to them about how you are not their therapist – you are their Bae <3. You are there to love and support them, but only to a healthy extent. Let them know that you need to practice finding a healthy medium as a couple and you are willing to help them find a therapist, help-line, or supportive bloggers that they can reach out to when they want to talk rather than throwing the burden onto your shoulders. [highlight type=”standard, dark”](Read “Dear Feminine Bae with a Mental Obstacle” for more info in the link below).[/highlight]
Read sincere letters to you, the Bae, to learn about your habits and advice on how to have a healthy relationship based on your feminine or masculine stress response! (And if you respond in both fashions, read both xoxoxox).
Dear Feminine Bae with a Mental Obstacle,
Your Bae is not your therapist, Bae is your Bae. If you treat your Bae like your therapist, you will lose your Bae. Your Bae needs compassion and understanding toward your mental obstacle, but you need to have compassion and understanding towards the space that your Bae needs. Practice space, or “non-attachment.” [highlight type=”standard, dark”]Click on the photo to read more.[/highlight]
Dear Masculine Bae with a Mental Obstacle,
Not talking about the problem won’t help, let your Bae help you to a healthy extent. Have compassion for your Bae who is worried sick about you, and ease into talking about your issues with your Bae. Your Bae will never know or be able to help until you start talking. Practice action-therapy vs. numb-therapy, meaning, take baby steps to confront your problems. [highlight type=”standard, dark”]Click on the photo to read more.[/highlight]
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