Our mental health system has needed to be changed drastically for a long time. Suicides and trauma statistics are just now starting to be taken seriously in educational institutions – in 2018…took long enough right? – and mental health social media organizations are booming, yet options for those struggling with suicide, such as hospitalization and hotlines, are still limited with many faults.
Following Anthony Bourdain’s death, Nalgona Positivity Pride (NPP), a xicana, brown, indigenous, body-positive project run by Gloria Lucas, asked their 64,000 plus Instagram followers what people struggling with suicide need. Almost 300 comments later, overwhelmingly surpassing the number of comments they usually receive, we noticed their responses shared five similar requests: someone to listen to feelings (25%), in-person visit / platonic touch (16%), someone checking in (12%), cultural change / hope (9%), and support from friends / family (8%).

In June, we took action to find out how we can make their needs a reality.
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CW: SUICIDE Everyone is saying here is a hotline and reach out but suicide is feeling you are out of options so as a whole what can we actually do. This is not an individualist matter. We want you here. We need you here.