Liliana Solorzano is a 28-year-old tarot guide and magic practitioner living in East Los Angeles. Tarot and magic have been an integral part of Liliana’s life since she was young, and she views it as a way to connect with one’s innermost thoughts and feelings, and to care for her spiritual and mental well-being. Learn more about how Liliana uses tarot and magic for self-care, spiritual healing, and to care for her mind obstacles in the interview below. Also, download her free PDF guide on tarot for beginners, and experience a 3-card reading Liliana did for The Strange is Beautiful readers.
Liliana and Tarot

What is tarot and how is it a form of self-care?
Tarot is a set of cards most commonly known for their use in divination or fortune-telling, but they can absolutely be used as a tool in our self-care practice as a way to reflect, transform and gain clarity and direction. Tarot can be a way for us to connect with our innermost thoughts and feelings leading us to moments of healing and a sense of empowerment.
When and how did you discover tarot?
Tarot came to me as a side effect of my magical and spiritual journey. I read about it in a book when I was about 12, and combined with my limited exposure to it through media and passing by little shops in my neighborhood, I was intrigued. It seemed cool, witchy, fun and I so wanted in. I was a witch in hiding at the time, so all I could get away with was a pack of regular playing cards – that’s where I started. I didn’t get my first REAL tarot deck ‘til 2010. I was 20, confused, unmotivated, absolutely lost. I didn’t know it then, but a pack of cards was about to become one of my most powerful allies as far as finding some direction and dealing with my cycles of self-sabotage and other mind obstacles.
Can tarot be used to help treat mental health issues or mind obstacles?
Yes! Tarot has been such a helpful tool in my life for working through mind obstacles, feelings of imbalance, anxiety, depression, and general disharmony and powerlessness. Since it’s been so amazing to me in terms of finding direction and feeling empowered, I try to focus my reading the cards in a way that will help my clients find a sense of direction and truly step into their power to carve their own path.
What healing benefits does tarot have that can’t be found in more “conventional” approaches?
Tarot is something that you can do for yourself. Anyone can learn and reap the benefits of having the cards at their disposal. Of course, it is beneficial to seek a Tarot Guide/Reader for an unbiased reading since messages may get a bit foggy when we read for ourselves in the midst of big events. There is also an element of compassion and humanity I feel we don’t get too much in conventional approaches. Whether we read for ourselves or receive a reading from a tarot guide, I feel tarot gives us the opportunity for deep reflection, as well as practical and spiritual steps towards healing in a more heart centered space.
What advice would you give someone who is interested in tarot but doesn’t know where to begin?
I’d say grab a deck, a journal, and a good reference book and just start! I feel like the most important tool you’ll have in tarot reading is your intuition. We all have it, we can all feel something when we look at a picture. What’s your first reaction? Write it down. Books are great too and I do think they’re important for getting a handle on the foundations of tarot. There is so much symbolism and so many cards it can be really daunting but trust yourself!
Liliana’s “Tarot + Self-Care: A Mini Guide”

You can also try out Liliana’s beginner’s guide to tarot called “Tarot + Self-Care: A Mini Guide.” This PDF guide was accessible and easy for me to understand. As someone who knows nothing about tarot, I found myself following along without any confusion. Liliana describes each aspect of tarot in an interesting and informative way. Readers can learn about the structure of tarot, how to conduct a tarot reading, different tarot spreads, and Liliana’s favorite books and decks for tarot beginners. Since the PDF was about tarot and self-care, I think it would have been good if Liliana had included a little more information about self-care and how tarot can contribute to that. The prices of each of the tarot decks that she suggested are: $40 (Wild Unknown Tarot), $20 (Morgan Greer Tarot), $48 (Sasuraibito Tarot), $20 (Dreaming Way Tarot), and $24 (Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot). One deck on the list, the Numinous Tarot, didn’t have a listed price because it was sold out. These tarot decks vary in price, but I’m not sure if they would all be accessible for most people, especially those of lower income. However, some of the cheaper ones may be easier to obtain. Trying out tarot did help me personally; although I was skeptical at first, it allowed me to spend time with myself and indulge in some much-needed self-care. I would recommend that those struggling with mind obstacles check out tarot in order to expand their worldview and experience healing.
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