This week, I found out my younger cousin is also a Radiohead fan, and that one of his favorite song’s of theirs is “Creep.” I had forgotten how much I used to love that song. The iconic “But I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo” line resonated with me in middle school, high school, and still now, as I’ve always felt like an outcast. Even though, in context of the song, that line has a negative connotation, I felt a sense of strength and pride like, fuck it, I am a creep, I am a weirdo, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing here, and I’m gonna own that. I hope this song helps you embrace your strange and beautiful self.
Q&A with Herbalist Natali of Firme Arte, & Their Controversial Decision to Not List All Ingredients
Do herbalism products actually help anxiety or other mind obstacles? What can someone do if they’re too nervous to try any for fear of an allergic reaction? We chatted with herbalist Natali Gonzalez, and sampled their Firme Arte anti-anxiety items to find out.