please don’t ask me
to do more
remind me
to do less
please don’t ask me
ask me
what i need
& offer me practical help
by Kelly Duarte
How much brighter do you think you can get?
Your beams already fall into my eyes
And you burn into my memories
So stunningly
That images of you lay over
The visions of every day.
My dreams are washed out
And replaced with your glow.
I’m not sure if I’m seeing you
In my future
Or seeing a lasting flash
From the camera
Holding the pictures of us
From my past
But I keep my eyes open
Because I’d rather be blinded
By your light
Than to see clear in a darkness
That only happens when you’re gone
there is something inside of me begging to come out
the little voice inside of me is bigger than i am
and instead of listening to it, i run away
i run away to secret places, libraries, book stores, coffee shops
anywhere to be away from my family who hover over my life,
over my choices,
over my mistakes.
i like to be left alone
don’t bother me unless it’s necessary
i am not anti-social
but maybe i am
it is hard to think, hard to write
when everyone wants to know about me
and i want to know nothing.
one day i’ll figure out
one day i won’t come back to the city that molded me
broke me
and loved me back again.
sometimes things don’t work out
and maybe i’m not meant to stay here forever
i’ll leave, i’ll leave
far, far away
where i won’t be found.
they will break your heart too many times
and call you heartless
they want you to lose
but don’t let them
i know you are greater than that
you are not a catastrophe,
or a mistake
you are human
and all you want is to spread love to places
they tell you not to.
keep doing you
keep being brave
keep loving
and loving
and don’t give up.