When a friend asks to vent, ask them what they need from you.
✨”Do you want me to…
A) just listen
B) give advice
November 26, 2018 — Besides alternative medicine such as yoga and meditation, or using energy healers, tarot guides, or curanderas, sometimes we need the help of Western medication or talk therapy as well. It can be hard for those who identify as LGBTQ+ or POC (myself included) to find a therapist that they connect with and trust, because if the therapist doesn’t have experiences being LGBTQ+
My affirmation flag started in an art therapy group I participated in last fall. We were encouraged to create our own affirmations or choose from a list. I found the process of choosing resonant affirmations and creating something nurturing for myself incredibly therapeutic. On top of that, at the end of the process I was able to take the project home with me, allowing me to revisit the feelings of self-nurturing whenever I needed to. I kept my favorite affirmations on a list, and I continue to add and modify them. My flag is in my bedroom, and I also keep a digital version on my phone so I can access it wherever I go.
Liliana Solorzano is a 28-year-old tarot guide and magic practitioner living in East Los Angeles. Tarot and magic have been an integral part of Liliana’s life since she was young, and she views it as a way to connect with one’s innermost thoughts and feelings, and to care for her spiritual and mental well-being. Learn more about how Liliana uses tarot and magic for self-care, spiritual healing, and to care for her mind obstacles in the interview below. Also, download her free PDF guide on tarot for beginners, and experience a 3-card reading Liliana did for The Strange is Beautiful readers.
Our energy system is made up of our aura (biofield that starts on our skin and extends outward in an egg shape for a few feet), meridians (channels that run through our body) and chakras (energy centers in our body). When our system is clear, we feel balanced with oneself, but throughout life, we collect experiences – our own and of others – that builds density in our energetic system. It is important to practice managing our energy system so that we can rid of any energy we don’t need, and feel happiness. One way to practice this is by meditating.