Treat yourself or encourage a friend to healing gifts that will offer peace to the mind, body and soul.
For you to learn methods of self-care.
“Drugs and alcohol have become an integral part of the music scene, there’s no way around it sometimes.
Figure yourself out before you step into that environment and it makes things a lot easier. If you’re already lost, or figuring things out, throwing drinking into the mix will just keep you lost.”– Justin Cornwall
The placement and direction of your breath is key to calming down when anxious. When you’re anxious, notice if you mainly breathe in your chest and if your shoulders lift. Anxiety causes a disconnect with our first three chakras; root, sacral and solar plexus. This disconnect forces us to breathe up, up, up the body, into our chest causing anxiety. When anxious, breathe into your belly and direct your exhales down your body and into the Earth. Lengthen your exhales so they become longer than your inhales. This will bring breath back into the first three chakras to calm and center you.
Research has shown when restless, angry, or absolutely confused, a walk through nature naturally calms and centers yourself. A nature walk or “forest bathing,” coined by environmental researcher Yoshifumi Miyazkiform, is a form of meditation. Meditate with earth mother Rhea Tepp in a walk through nature to overcome obstacles blocking your full potential, goals and dreams. Let your mind wander through streams of consciousness as your five senses become aware of the path you need to follow.