4 Meditations to Heal Your Energy System

Our energy system is made up of our aura (biofield that starts on our skin and extends outward in an egg shape for a few feet), meridians (channels that run through our body) and chakras (energy centers in our body). When our system is clear, we feel balanced with oneself, but throughout life, we collect experiences – our own and of others – that builds density in our energetic system. It is important to practice managing our energy system so that we can rid of any energy we don’t need, and feel happiness. One way to practice this is by meditating.

9 Meditations for Anxiety and Depression: January 2018

Every Monday we post on Instagram #MeditationMondays as a reminder to pause, breathe and reflect on uncomfortable feelings that rise during each day. Below are a compilation of our meditations up to January. Everyday is a practice.

5 Meditations for Anxiety and Depression: May 2017

Hi TSIB friends!

Every Monday on Instagram (@TheStrangeisBeautiful) I post a meditation to practice based on my own personal yoga practice and training. Here are five of the latest meditations I posted for you to practice this month :)